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Professional Development Pathways program to provide additional Supervisor Development Workshops

March 11, 2024

Ohio University’s Professional Development Pathways program is pleased to announce a new series of supervisory skills workshops. The Foundations of Supervision workshop series is an interactive, in-person series of six workshops focusing on fundamental knowledge and skills that form the foundation for effective supervision.

The second workshop in the Foundations of Supervision series, Building Trust and Credibility, will be available on April 11 from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and on April 30 from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Baker Center Leadership Room 366. This workshop focuses on understanding the connection between trust and credibility, identifying actions to build, rebuild, and sustain trust and suggestions for making trust part of your leadership brand.

Future workshops in the series will include topics such as:

  • Listening to and Supporting Your Team
  • Setting and Managing Expectations
  • Delegating and Monitoring Work
  • Handling Conflict and Difficult Conversations

There will also be an additional Transition to Supervision workshop on April 3 from 9 - 11:30 a.m. in Baker Center Leadership Room 366. The “Transition to Supervision” workshop explores a variety of topics that are particularly relevant for new or aspiring supervisors such as developing new skills, challenging and managing perceptions, navigating the legal landscape, locating resources and assistance, and discussing the numerous challenges often faced by supervisors.

Workshops are scheduled for 2.5 hours. Participation is open to all full-time and part-time regular staff and faculty. Registration is required, and enrollment will be capped at 24 participants per workshop. There are no prerequisites, and participants are not required to attend every workshop in the series.

Participants are asked to discuss the workshop with their supervisor and get approval prior to registering. New supervisors, or those aspiring to a supervisory role, are highly encouraged to attend.

Please register soon. The registration deadline for Transition to Supervision (opens in a new window) is Friday, March 29, 2024. The registration deadline for Building Trust and Credibility (opens in a new window) is Friday, April 5, 2024.

Contact Lewis Mangen, Director Talent and Organizational Development or Michael Greene, Learning and Development Administrator, with questions.

This article also appeared on the OHIO News webpage (opens in a new window).