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MPI Absence Management

The purpose of these frequently asked questions is to address questions pertaining to the process of submitting and approving an electronic paid time off (PTO) request. Questions may be directed to the Employee Service Center (ESC), 740.593.1636,

What is Absence Management?

Oracle Absence Management enables employees paid on a salaried semi-monthly basis to submit work absence-related information electronically in My Personal Information (MPI). NOTE: Employees paid on an hourly bi-weekly basis track absences in Workforce and will not use the Absence Management module to track their absences.

Absence Management is integrated with University Human Resources (UHR) systems and Payroll. Oracle Absence Management Module allows you to view your paid time off (PTO) accrual balances, enter electronic PTO requests, and view your personal absence history.

When you submit an electronic PTO request, workflow routes your request to your supervisor and/or UHR (if needed) for approval.

Where is the online paid time off (PTO) form?


The electronic request is available in OHIO’s Oracle e-Business Suite: My Personal Information (MPI).

  1. Visit: in a new window)
  2. Click My Personal Information.
  3. Enter your Ohio ID and Password and click Login.
  4. Complete your Multi Factor Authentication.
  5. Click the + to expand your My Personal Information folder.
  6. Click Absence Management.
  7. To enter a PTO absence request, click the Create Absence button, enter the absence details, click Next, and click Submit.
How much paid time off (PTO) have I accrued?

Oracle Absence Management allows you to view your paid time off (PTO) accrual balances. The total amount of PTO accrued varies by employment type and Full Time Equivalent (FTE). The PTO Balances tab will display your PTO accrual balances.

By default, accruals are displayed as of today’s date. If you are planning for a future absence, you may select a future Effective Date in order to view projections of your PTO accrual balances. Any Planned Hours between now and the effective date you entered will be subtracted and the remaining balance will display under Net Available.

WARNING: The PTO balances displayed do not take into consideration absence requests that have not yet been approved by your supervisor.

A nightly process is run to recalculate PTO balances in the new fiscal year; therefore, the PTO balances displayed beyond July 1 will not be accurate if your absence request was just approved by your supervisor today.

When should I enter my paid time off (PTO)?

It is important to report absences in a timely manner to ensure accurate payroll and to display your PTO leave balances accurately in OHIO’s Oracle e-Business Suite: My Personal Information (MPI). Please confirm and submit your absence(s) immediately upon returning to work.

What is a Planned vs. Confirmed absence?

A planned absence will occur sometime in the future. A planned absence request is entered BEFORE the absence. Following a planned absence, you must log in to the system, modify the absence details (if necessary), and change it to confirmed.

A confirmed absence is an absence that has already occurred. A confirmed absence can only be submitted AFTER you have been away from work. Please submit your confirmed absence immediately upon your return to work.

NOTE: The system does not enforce your department’s policies for requesting and approving time off. If your department has additional policies or processes in place, please discuss this with your supervisor.

How far in advance can I enter a Planned absence?

A planned absence will occur sometime in the future. A planned absence request is entered BEFORE the absence. Following a planned absence, you must log in to the system, modify the absence details (if necessary), and change it to confirmed.


  • Requests for the next fiscal year cannot be submitted until January 31. For example, if you want to submit a request for July 2, 2018, you must wait until January 31, 2018 to submit that request.
  • Requests cannot span across two fiscal years. For example, if you are requesting June 25-July 3, you must enter a request for June 25-29 and enter a separate request for July 2-3.
  • Requests for personal leave in the next fiscal year cannot be entered until the start of that fiscal year. You must wait until July 1, due to the timing of the awarding of personal time.
I submitted a Planned absence request and now I need to change the number of hours I plan to use. What should I do?

A planned absence will occur sometime in the future. A planned absence request is entered BEFORE the absence.
“Work in Progress” indicates that you initiated a PTO request/change, but did not complete it. If you did not intend to make an update, under the Update column, next to the appropriate planned absence, click the Update (pencil) icon and click Cancel. To cancel the action, click Yes. This will remove the “Work in Progress” status and return the absence request to the correct status.

If the Update/Confirm/Delete icons are inactive (gray), the request is likely still in your supervisor’s queue waiting for approval. Please discuss this with your supervisor. Upon approval from your supervisor, either Update or Confirm.

NOTE: Following a planned absence, you must log in to the system, modify the absence details (if necessary), and change it to confirmed.

I submitted a Planned absence request and the date has passed, but I need to change the number of hours I used. When I click the Edit icon (pencil), it does not allow me to enter the changes. What should I do?

Because the date is in the past, the system will not allow you to resubmit a planned absence request. Following an approved planned absence, you must log in to the system and change it to confirmed. In Absence Management, click the Absence Summary tab. Under the Confirm column, next to the appropriate planned absence, click the Confirm icon. If the Duration Hours of your original request changed, you may modify it here. Make the necessary revisions, click Next, verify the absence details for accuracy, and click Submit.

I need to change a Planned absence to Confirmed, but the system will not allow me to click the Confirm icon?

In Absence Management, click the Absence Summary tab. Under the Confirm column, next to the appropriate planned absence, click the Confirm icon. If the Update/Confirm/Delete icons are inactive (gray), the request is likely still in your supervisor’s queue waiting for approval. Please discuss this with your supervisor. Upon approval from your supervisor, as long as the date of the planned absence has passed, you may click the Confirm icon, make the necessary revisions, and click Next. Verify the absence details for accuracy and click Submit.

Why does my absence request show “Work in Progress” in my Absence Summary?

“Work in Progress” indicates that you initiated a PTO request/change, but did not complete it. If you did not intend to make an update, under the Update column, next to the appropriate planned absence, click the Update (pencil) icon and click Cancel. To cancel the action, click Yes. This will remove the “Work in Progress” status and return the absence request to the correct status.

For a Planned absence, does my supervisor have to approve it twice?

Yes. Your supervisor must approve your original planned absence request. Following an approved planned absence, you must log in to the system and change it to confirmed. As a result, your supervisor will have to approve it again when you change it to confirmed.

Will my previous absences show in the Absence Summary?

Yes. All historical absences from your salaried appointment will display in the Absence Summary.
NOTE: Hours taken will show on the summary page only, they are not shown in the details window.

Can I enter confirmed absences in advance (for future dates)?

No. A confirmed absence is an absence that has already occurred. A confirmed absence can only be submitted AFTER you have been away from work. Please submit your confirmed absence immediately upon your return to work.

To plan for a future absence, enter it as planned. The system will send your request to your supervisor for approval, and you will be able to see your Net Available leave balances including this planned leave.


  • Requests for the next fiscal year cannot be submitted until January 31. For example, if you want to submit a request for July 2, 2018, you must wait until January 31, 2018 to submit that request.
  • Requests cannot span across two fiscal years. For example, if you are requesting June 25-July 3, you must enter a request for June 25-29 and enter a separate request for July 2-3.
  • Requests for personal leave in the next fiscal year cannot be entered until the start of that fiscal year. You must wait until July 1, due to the timing of the awarding of personal time.
Does the system know about University holidays, emergency closures, and winter closure days that should not be counted against an employee’s own PTO banks?

No. The system will allow absence requests to be entered on University observed holidays, so it is important for you to be aware of these dates. If you accidentally submit a confirmed absence for a University holiday and it is approved, the Employee Service Center (ESC) will need to manually correct your PTO balances. If you notice it before your supervisor takes action, you may ask your supervisor to reject (deny) the request.

Do I need to submit a vacation day request into Absence Management for the one day that administrators are required to use vacation during winter break closure?

No. Administrators do not have to submit a paid time off (PTO) request for the fourth day of winter break closure. Payroll systems will not process vacation time accrual to administrators on the December 31 paycheck who have one or more years of continuous service as of December 25. Those administrators with less than one continuous year of service as of December 25 will accrue a vacation day for the December 31 paycheck.

How do I enter two different Absence Types on the same day? I took an entire day off for a medical visit out of town. I want to use 5 hours of sick time and the remaining 3 hours as vacation time.

In order to specify two different Absence Types on the same day, you must enter two separate absence requests for the same date. For each request, be sure to specify the desired Absence Type and the appropriate Duration Hours. Additionally, in the Comments field, you may enter details for each request:

Request #1 Comments: “I would like to request 5 hours of sick time from 8am-Noon and 1pm-2pm.”

Request #2 Comments: “I would like to request 3 hours of vacation time from 2pm – 5pm.”

When submitting the second request for the same day, you will receive a message warning you that there is already an absence request for that same day. You should double-check your math because the system does not know your schedule (working hours), so it cannot determine if you are submitting too little or too much time on a single day. Click Next, verify the absence details, and click Submit.

If I don’t Submit a request and just click “Save for Later,” will it be submitted into Workflow?

No. Your supervisor will not be notified of your request until you Submit it.

Why does my payslip show a different PTO accrual balance than Oracle Absence Management?

OHIO’s Oracle e-Business Suite: My Personal Information’s online payslip shows the balance at the time payroll was processed.

Oracle Absence Management Module is dynamic. For example, when a PTO request is entered for an absence that has already occurred, and the request is approved by your supervisor, the balance on the accrual page will change.

What is Workflow?

Workflow is an automated routing and tracking of electronic absence requests. When you submit a request for paid time off or modify an existing request, the system will route the request to your supervisor for approval. The system tracks where the request is in the approval process and can route the request to others based on pre-defined paths or by special instruction.

Will my paid time off (PTO) request get routed to Payroll and/or the Leaves Manager before it gets routed to my supervisor?

No. When you submit a request for paid time off or modify an existing request, the system will route the request to your supervisor for approval. Upon approval from your supervisor, a request for FMLA then routes to University Human Resources’ Leaves Manager for approval.

Will I receive any Notifications?

When you submit a request for paid time off, your supervisor will receive an email message notifying them of the pending request. A supervisor may also review Notifications in Oracle e-Business Suite under Worklist.

If you are a supervisor, in order to be able to act on notifications directly from your email inbox, please leave your default notification preferences enabled: HTML Mail – to receive individual notifications.

If you select “plain text” messages or “summary mail,” the notices you receive will not include the links that will allow you to approve/reject PTO requests. As a result, you must manually log in to Oracle e-Business Suite to act on the requests assigned to you. These requests will display under Worklist.

When I try to open the calendar attachment from the worklist, I receive this error:
Adobe Acrobat Error
  1. From the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
  2. Click the Programs tab and click the Set Programs button.
    Internet Options
  3. Click Associate a file type or protocol with a program.
  4. Scroll down and click .ics.
Can I carbon copy (cc:) someone on the Outlook calendar reminder?

Yes. Click the .ics attachment. The Outlook calendar item will display. Click the Invite Attendees button, enter the email addresses for the desired recipients, and click Save & Close.

Can I reassign a paid time off (PTO) request to someone else?

A supervisor can reassign notifications to someone else to take action.

WARNING: The system will not allow an employee to approve his or her own paid time off request.

There are multiple ways to establish delegation:

  • Worklist Access – Allows the delegate to see the designating manager’s worklist and act on items in that worklist.
  • Vacation Rules – During the defined vacation period, any notifications received by the manager are automatically reassigned to the delegate.
  • Delegate – To reassign an individual notice to someone else.

Worklist Access
Assign someone else and receive duplicate notifications
A supervisor may want to grant Worklist access to another person or delegate. You will continue to receive an email notification when an employee on your team enters a PTO request, however the notification will not display in your worklist. You can still take action from the email notification. Your delegate must log in to view your worklist and take action on your behalf.

Vacation Rules
Assign someone else to receive your notifications exclusively
A supervisor, who will be out of the office for a specific period, may want to reassign PTO requests to a delegate with Vacation Rules. Your delegate will respond to notifications on your behalf during your absence. You will not receive an email notification when an employee on your team enters a PTO request.

Assign someone to an individual notice
A supervisor may want to reassign one individual PTO request notification to another OHIO employee to take action. In the notification, click Delegate and specify the person who should take action on the individual request.

Do I have to use FMLA if I’m out for more than 3 days?

OHIO will comply with the requirements of the FMLA and will assist employees in balancing their work and family life by taking reasonable leave for certain family and medical reasons. In order for OHIO to remain compliant, University Human Resources (UHR) must offer the FMLA paperwork to you, if you are absent (Sick Presidential Appointment) for more than three days.

If I submit an absence greater than 3 days, will the system force me to submit FMLA?

No. In order for OHIO to remain compliant, University Human Resources (UHR) must offer the FMLA paperwork to you, if you are absent (Sick Presidential Appointment) for more than three days.

As a supervisor, am I required to give employees FMLA paperwork if they are out more than 3 days?

OHIO will comply with the requirements of the FMLA and will assist employees in balancing their work and family life by taking reasonable leave for certain family and medical reasons. Since supervisors are the first point of contact for employees, it is recommended that supervisors offer FMLA paperwork to employees. University Human Resources’ Leaves Manager will also monitor absence activity to determine if an employee should be offered FMLA paperwork.

Will the system track how much more FMLA time I can take this year?

No. The usage of FMLA is tracked manually by University Human Resources’ Leaves Manager.

May I use sick time for vacation?

No. Employees are not permitted to use sick time for vacation. However, you may use vacation time for sickness when all of your sick leave is exhausted. Vacation time is approved at the department level at the discretion of your supervisor.

How do I enter a request for unpaid leave?

A request for unpaid absence is at the discretion of your supervisor.

  • To take unpaid time for a “sick” reason, you must have a zero balance for vacation, sick, and personal day accruals.
  • To take unpaid time for “vacation” reasons, you are not permitted to use sick time for vacation, so you must have a zero balance for vacation and personal day accruals.

Any request falling outside of these boundaries should be discussed with UHR on a case-by-case basis and handled manually, as is done today (paper-based).

Enter the confirmed request. In the Absence Type field, click the down arrow and select Unpaid. Finish completing the form. In the Comments field, you may enter optional text. Click Next. Review the request, verify the Absence Details for accuracy, and click Submit.

How do I submit a PTO request for bereavement?

Enter the planned/confirmed request. In the Absence Type field, click the down arrow and select Sick Pres Appt. In the Absence Reason field, click the down arrow and select Bereavement. Finish completing the form. In the Comments field, you may enter optional text. Click Next. Review the request, verify the Absence Details for accuracy, and click Submit.

After you return from a planned absence, you must log in to the system, update the absence details (if necessary), and change it to Confirmed.

I’m having trouble entering my request for vacation. What should I do?

A planned absence will occur sometime in the future. A planned absence request is entered BEFORE the absence.

A confirmed absence is an absence that has already occurred. A confirmed absence can only be submitted AFTER you have been away from work. Please submit your confirmed absence immediately upon your return to work.

When entering the planned/confirmed request, in the Absence Type field, click the down arrow and select Vac Pres Appt (Vacation Presidential Appointment). NOTE: If you are requesting vacation time, in the Absence Type field, verify that Vac Pres Appt is selected. WARNING: In the Absence Type field, do not select Personal Days Admin for vacation time. Finish completing the form. In the Comments field, you may enter optional text. Click Next. Review the request, verify the Absence Details for accuracy, and click Submit.

Following a planned absence, you must log in to the system, modify the absence details (if necessary), and change it to confirmed.