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Osteopathic Integration

Osteopathic Integration Mission Statement

“Improving the health and healing of our patients through the integration of OPP (Osteopathic Principles & Practice) into the daily practice of medicine.”  


Undergraduate Medical Education

Pathways to Health and Wellness Curriculum

The PHWC Osteopathic Medicine, Manipulation and Principle Course is designed to teach students how to integrate osteopathic manipulation and principles into the care of patients in each specialty. Osteopathic technique application may be adapted for patients in a variety of health care settings. The expectation is for students to engage as active participants in large and small group sessions. Through active participation, the students will refine their osteopathic technique application. This is the time to refresh anatomy and understand the osteopathic models of care.  

The goals for osteopathic integration in undergraduate medical education include:

  • Make the teaching of osteopathic principles and practices relevant to the daily practice of medicine
  • Facilitate the interrelationship of all facets of the basic science, case-based learning and clinical skills activities with osteopathic principles and practices
  • Encourage the use of osteopathic principles and practices in the daily patient care of inpatients and outpatients
  • Provide sufficient materials and experiences so that students feel confident in the rational application of osteopathic principles and practices while on clinical rotation
  • Encourage faculty development for MD and DO preceptors to encourage the use of osteopathic principles and practices among all of our clinically active-students.


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Graduate Medical Education

The goals for osteopathic integration in graduate medical education include:

  • Helping hospital residency programs successfully make the transition to ACGME residencies with osteopathic recognition
  • Promote faculty development in osteopathic principles and practices to residency faculty through a variety of educational opportunities
  • Promote resident development in osteopathic principles and practices through the creation and offering of educational modules designed to highlight specialty specific information for osteopathic integration


ACGME Osteopathic Recognition

AACOM/AOGME Osteopathic Recognition Resources

AACOM UME-GME Digital Resource Library

AOGME Home Page

AOGME GME/CME Osteopathic Learning Community

AOGME  Learning Community Listserv

AOGME GME/CME Osteopathic Learning Community Email

For additional information on the AOGME GME/CME Osteopathic Learning Community, contact: