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Heritage College Strategic Plan

View the Heritage College 2033 Strategic Plan (opens in a new window)


Since our beginning more than 40 years ago, the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine has been guided by its founding idea: To train excellent osteopathic physicians who serve Ohio’s communities of greatest need, especially in primary care fields.

With the 2011 transformational award (opens in a new window) of $105 million from the Osteopathic Heritage Foundation, we embarked on a period of growth and renewal. Our initiatives have been built upon our strengths and the beliefs we have championed since our founding. They deliver on our promise of advancing our mission to meet the challenges of successfully preparing the next generation of physician leaders.

Our strategic planning process began in 2012-2013 by bringing together the college community to focus on our growth and renewal efforts. The 2015-2017 plan that emerged from this process provided a strategic road map as we developed new campuses, advanced our research and community care programs and strengthened the curriculum and programs in our clinical campus system. In February 2019, we began to create a strategy management performance system framework to ensure successful completion of the 2018-2021 strategic plan, as well as to assist in the development of the strategic plan beyond 2021. Our students, faculty, staff and external stakeholders participated in interviews, planning sessions and surveys to provide valuable feedback as we assessed the existing plan and determined our new goals for our revised 2033 strategic plan.

Our Journey to Date [jpg] (opens in a new window)Our Road to 2033 [jpg] (opens in a new window)

Strategic planning and review is a continuous, multifaceted process. Progress and updates for strategic priorities and initiatives are gathered on a regular basis from our objective champions. Our current 2033 strategic plan, including objectives, key performance indicators and targets, is available online for all Heritage College students, faculty and staff to review and provide feedback/comments.

In addition, the Heritage College's internal processes and its continuous improvement plan around meeting the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation standards play an important role in ensuring our strategic plan is on track. As we move forward, we will implement initiatives and continue to refine our plans by identifying objectives and key performance measures.

Performance management is reported on a regular basis throughout the academic year and is designed to provide visibility of progress toward targeted outcomes to college leadership, students, faculty and staff. To strive for transparency, the Strategy Management Office provides routine strategy updates through the following mechanisms: ExCom – Quarterly Performance Reporting, Internal Scorecards, Objective – KPIs and Performance Reporting, SMO Updates, Strategy Map and the strategy management calendar.

Heritage College Strategy Team

The purpose of the Heritage College Strategy Team is to implement the strategic plan of the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine.

The strategy team serves in an advisory role to the executive dean on all matters relating to the college’s strategy and strategic plan, including development, review and evaluation of policies, plans and processes. For questions and suggestions concerning the college strategic plan, please contact any member of the strategy team.
