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Dublin Campus Kitchens and Lounge


Kitchen facilities are provided for the exclusive use of Heritage College students on the second floor of OhioHealth Medical Education Building 1 (MEB 1), Room 235. A refrigerator, microwaves, sink and storage space are available for use. Lunches may be stored in the refrigerator and prepared in the microwave. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to utilize reusable dishware, drink ware and utensils. Storage cabinets are open for use by all students, as well as accessible by faculty and staff. Please respect the privileges offered by this area and keep it clean.

General Kitchen Regulations

  1. Kitchen guidelines apply to all students of the Ohio University Heritage College Of Osteopathic Medicine.
  2. Additional appliances or movement of current appliances is not authorized without permission of property management via coordination with the Dublin Dean's Office.
  3. Dishes should be taken home at the end of each day and should not be left overnight in the sink.
  4. Every two weeks at noon, the kitchen and appliances will be cleaned by the student organization representatives, following the kitchen cleaning schedule published by the Vice President of the Dublin Student Government Association (SGA). Items that are spoiled and unlabeled will be thrown away at that time.
  5. Any persistent problems with messes, theft, or otherwise, will result in administrative closure of the kitchens until the situation is resolved. 

Student Lounges

OhioHealth Medical Education Building 1 (MEB1), Rooms 201 and 410 serve as student lounges. Just outside of Room 201 dining tables and chairs are available; in Room 201 sofas, individual lounge chairs, padded stools, side tables, a ping pong table and a TV are available. Special requests can be made to the Assistant Director of Student Affairs for folding tables and chairs to be placed in lounge areas for student events.

For more information, please contact Dr. Kayla Duty.