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Grievance Procedures - Medical Students

Grievance Procedures

It is the policy of the Heritage College to be fair and judicious in all matters pertaining to students. From time to time, certain students may feel that they have been treated unfairly and may wish to file a grievance. Listed below are the levels of action matriculated students must follow in filing a grievance of an academic or administrative nature, exclusive of admission decision, in the Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine. There are separate appeals processes as part of the University Judiciaries, the Committee on Student Progress.

A student wishing to file a grievance is to be given a copy of the College Grievance Procedure.

Level 1

No later than six (6) weeks after the beginning of the semester following the incident(s) involved, the student must submit a written statement of the grievance to the faculty member or administrator against whom the grievance is lodged, and a copy to the Senior Director of Student Affairs. Within two (2) weeks of submission of the written statement, a discussion of the issue must take place between the student and the faculty member or administrator against whom the grievance is lodged. The faculty member or administrator must respond to the student in writing within two (2) weeks of the discussion, with a copy being sent to the Senior Director of Student Affairs.

Level 2

If no satisfaction is achieved at Level 1, within two (2) weeks the student may request a review by the faculty member's or administrators' immediate administrative supervisor. For help in identifying this person and the process to be followed, the student may request assistance through the Office of Student Affairs. The decision of the supervisor must be made within two (2) weeks and a written response sent to the student, the faculty member or administrator, the Senior Director of Student Affairs, and the Associate Dean of Admissions & Student Affairs.

Level 3

If no satisfaction is achieved at Level 2, within thirty (30) days the student may contact the Senior Director of Student Affairs and request a review of the case by the Vice Dean. Any extension of time at this level must be approved in writing by the Associate Dean of Admissions & Student Affairs. The procedures at Level 3 are as follows:

  1. The student must submit to the Senior Director of Student Affairs a written statement which includes: the student's full name, address, telephone number, name of the faculty member or administrator against whom the grievance is being lodged, number of the course involved (if appropriate), background of the problem, exact nature of the grievance and statement reviewing the grievance procedures followed up to that point.
  2. The Senior Director of Student Affairs will inform the Associate Dean of Admissions & Student Affairs of the grievance.
  3. The Senior Director of Student Affairs will provide the faculty member or administrator involved with a copy of the grievance and will request a statement in response to the grievance.
  4. The Senior Director of Student Affairs will contact the supervisor of the faculty member or administrator and request a report on the grievance review held at Level 2. If there is substantial reason for the grievance to move forward, the Associate Dean of Admissions & Student Affairs will choose three faculty and/or staff members to hold a review of the grievance and make recommendations to the Associate Dean of Admissions & Student Affairs. The chair of the Sub-Committee appointed by the Associate Dean of Admissions & Student Affairs will schedule any future meetings on the issue.
  5. The Associate Dean of Admissions & Student Affairs will schedule a meeting, providing the parties 30 working days for preparation time, and inform the members of the Sub-Committee, the student and faculty member or administrator of the time and place of the meeting.
  6. The Sub-Committee will review the written grievance and the faculty member's or administrator's response and then determine by majority vote of those present a recommendation to the Associate Dean of Admissions & Student Affairs.
  7. The Associate Dean of Admissions & Student Affairs will make the final decision concerning the grievance and will notify, in writing, the student, the faculty member or administrator, the chairman of the Sub-Committee, and other appropriate parties.

For information, please contact Marie Barone.