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Ohio State Medical Association Chapter

Ohio State Medical Association Chapter

Student Organizations Athens

Our Mission

The mission of the HCOM Ohio State Medical Association Chapter is to inform and educate first- and second-year medical students about healthcare issues at the state level. We hope to encourage and support medical student participation in organized medicine and represent their interests and opinions following the goals outlined by the OSMA. Members of the OSMA chapter will actively participate in keeping up with Ohio healthcare policy and developing their skills in resolution writing at the state level.

Officers, 2024-2025

Officer PositionOfficer Name
President                  Ben Trenka
Vice PresidentCarlie Beal
TreasurerSujatha Gaddamanugu
Advocacy ChairVictoria Cruz
Club Relations ChairAndrea Tran
Membership ChairJillian Kirby
Conference OrganizerTBA
AdvisorJennifer Gwilym, D.O.

Dues: $10 Annually

Services Provided

The HCOM OSMA Chapter is dedicated to representing medical students, improving medical education, developing leadership, and promoting activism for healthcare in the state of Ohio. OSMA will provide students the opportunity to learn about Ohio healthcare while providing an outlet to voice their thoughts on numerous issues surrounding medical education and healthcare in local Ohio communities. Some common issues OSMA has focused on are reform to medical education and residency programs, physician wellbeing, and equal representation in medicine.

Tentative Schedule for 2024-2025

Fall: Faculty and Student Mixer (partnered with SOMA), Resolution Writing Workshop, Absentee and Voter Registration Event, OSMA Sponsored Online Advocacy Training Bootcamp, Guest Speakers
Spring: Resolution Writing and Submissions, Guest Speakers, OSMA Annual Meeting Conference
Fundraising: Bake sale and other events TBD