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Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology Club

Student Organizations Athens

Our Mission

We aim to supplement and expand the knowledge and skills of students interested in ophthalmology and otolaryngology. We strive to help students in applying that knowledge through a variety of clinical and community service experiences.

Officers, 2024-2025

Officer PositionOfficer Name
President OphthalmologyNicholas Durstock
President OtolaryngologyJared Mount
TreasurerRobert Osap
SecretaryJenna Ginsberg
AdvisorJulie Lew, M.D.

Dues: $5 annually

Services Provided

Educate students about the fields of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and provide services to the community, philanthropic events include:

  • Hosting a blood drive through the American Red Cross
  • Glasses drive

Tentative Schedule for 2024-2025

Fall/Spring Events:

  • Micro-Suture Clinic with Dr. Lew
  • American Red Cross Blood Drive
  • Match Panel with Previous OU-HCOM Graduates
  • Ophthalmologist Panel of Specialists
  • Glasses drive
  • Ophthalmology Board Review Session
  • Financial Literacy Event