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System Condition Code Modification Instructions

This tab is used to manipulate behind the scenes code (CC – Condition Codes) on the DARS. Some condition codes follow courses and others follow students (e.g., transfer vs. Ohio courses completed by a student). CAUTION: The SY – Set/unset system CC exception applies to the student’s entire DARS. The SY exception code should only be used with instruction from the DARS Team.

This tab is rarely used. Feel free to contact us at if you are unsure about whether this exception is needed.

System Cond Code

SY – Set/unset system CC

The SY exception code should only be used to manipulate system condition codes when you are instructed to do so by the DARS Team.

Here is an example of a system condition code entry. Instructions are not included in this manual since instructions vary depending on the requirement.

Set/unset system CC