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Information about DARS Exceptions

Exception processing procedures differ by college and desired effect, but there are some rules and restrictions that apply to all individuals authorized to process exceptions.

Exceptions Not Permitted by Colleges

Authorized personnel in deans’ offices are responsible for processing exceptions to major requirements within their college. However, individuals in college offices may not:

Process overall credit adjustments (reductions to credits required for degree/program)

  • Students must earn a minimum of:
    • 120** semester hours for a bachelor’s degree
    • 60 semester hours for an associate degree
    • 30 semester hours for a master’s degree
    • 90 semester hours for a doctoral degree

      **Students must complete 120 semester hours for one bachelor’s degree and 135 semester hours for two bachelor’s degrees.

Process exceptions to general education requirements

  • Any exceptions to BRICKS (or TIERS) requirements must be appealed to the General Education Committee.
  • If approved, the General Education Committee forwards approved exception requests to the DARS team for processing.

Process exceptions to residency requirements

  • Degree/Program residency (credit earned at Ohio University - OU)
    • Bachelors - A minimum of 30 semester hours in OU coursework
    • Associate – A minimum of 18 semester hours in OU coursework
    • Master’s and Doctoral programs – See catalog Transfer Credit Limits
  • Major residency
    • Undergraduate – A minimum of 50 percent of coursework taken to fulfill your major concentration, minor, or certificate must be completed at OU.

Process exceptions for general graduation requirements

See the university catalog for a full list of graduation/degree requirements that cannot be overridden.

  • Undergraduate Catalog
    • Navigate to the Requirements section of the student’s catalog.
      • Pathway: > Graduation Requirements – University wide > Requirements
  • Graduate Catalog
    • Navigate to the Degree and Certificate Requirements section of the student’s catalog.
      • Pathway: > Ohio University Graduate Catalog (select catalog drop-down) > Degree and Certificate Requirements
  • University Policies

Exceptions are for Exceptional Circumstances

Exceptions are generally applied when a student’s academic needs and experience necessitate modification of degree requirements. Exceptions should not be the norm. Here are important reminders about the exceptional nature of exceptions:

  • Exceptions should not be used to circumvent the curriculum approval process.
  • If you find yourself repeatedly processing the same exceptions, consider changing the curriculum.
    • Note: It is appropriate to repeatedly apply exceptions to DARS that are built to require manual intervention (e.g., foreign language waiver if English is second language).
  • The student always has the option of changing their major catalog year to follow updated or different curriculum requirements.