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General Troubleshooting

Most exception processing errors stem from one of the following typographical errors:

Typos in the Pseudo Name

  • Pro tip: run an administrative audit and copy and paste the pseudo directly from the audit.
pseudo name

The $: should not be included in the pseudo name


Typos in the Current or Replacement Course Name

course name

Using the Incorrect Pseudo Name

There are pseudo names at the requirement, sub-requirement, and group level.

  • (1) Requirement-level pseudos are not used as often. Exceptions applied at the requirement level could apply to the entire major (for example).
  • (2) Sub-requirement level pseudos are frequently used. In the example below, the “1) Core Areas,” “2) Other Requirements,” and “3) Thesis” areas are at the sub-requirement-level.
  • (3) Group-level pseudos are very rarely encoded in DARS at the undergraduate level. Group pseudos are often used if students are required to have a certain number of courses from each group within a sub-requirement.
Pseudo errors

Quick note: When certain exceptions are entered, an additional tab appears in the PeopleSoft DARS Exceptions screen. This tab is called, “Registrar Course Generation,” and it is harmless.

Registrar Course Generation