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Sociology & Anthropology Faculty Directory

Professor of Sociology, Chair of Sociology & Anthropology Department
Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex 151
Associate Professor of Anthropology
International Studies
African Studies
Communication and Development
Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex 127
Associate Professor of Instruction in Sociology
Center for Law, Justice & Culture
Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex 109
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Sociology and Anthropology
Ohio Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Bentley Annex 137
Professor of Anthropology in Law, Justice & Culture, and Director of the Center for International Studies
Center for Law, Justice & Culture
International Studies
Asian Studies
Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex 131
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex 153
Associate Professor of Instruction in Sociology
Sociology and Anthropology
Bennett 260, Chillicothe Campus
Instructor of Sociology
Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex 019, Athens Campus
Associate Professor of Sociology
Center for Law, Justice & Culture
Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex 135
Associate Professor of Sociology and Graduate Program Director of the M.A. in Law, Justice & Culture
Center for Law, Justice & Culture
Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex 105
Assistant Professor of Instruction
College of Arts and Sciences
Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex 139, Athens Campus
Professor of Sociology
International Studies
Asian Studies
International Development Studies
Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex 133
Instructor of Sociology
Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex 015, Athens Campus
Associate Professor of Sociology
Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex 103
Associate Professor of Sociology
International Studies
Asian Studies
Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex 111
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Center for Law, Justice & Culture
Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex 155
Assistant Professor of Instruction in Sociology
Center for Law, Justice & Culture
Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex 115
Associate Professor of Sociology
Sociology and Anthropology
Shannon 304H, Eastern Campus
Associate Professor of Anthropology
International Studies
Asian Studies
Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex 113
Professor of Sociology and Director of Graduate Studies
Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex 125
Assistant Professor of Instruction
International Studies
War and Peace Studies
Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex 107, Athens Campus
Associate Professor of Criminal Justice & Sociology
Center for Law, Justice & Culture
Sociology and Anthropology
Lancaster Campus
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex 149
Associate Professor of Sociology
Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex 147
Research Scholar in Anthropology
Sociology and Anthropology
Professor of Sociology
Center for Law, Justice & Culture
Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex 023
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Sociology and Anthropology
Professor of Sociology
Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex 123, Athens Campus