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  • The Best Nurse Practitioner Degree for You: FNP vs. AG-ACNP

    Explore the differences between the popular FNP and AG-ACNP programs at online Ohio University. Discover the best fit for your career in nursing.

  • Technology provides nursing students in 100% online programs with practical experience

    “There are many opportunities for virtual and augmented realities to be utilized in nursing education. Our profession as a whole is just beginning to understand the potential for this type of learning,” Dr. Buchman explained. “vSim helps learners to develop confidence in their knowledge, skills and the attitudes of their profession, which is extremely important in the field of nursing.”

  • Five versatile jobs available now for allied health professionals

    The allied health profession is home to some of the fastest-growing occupations in the nation. Not only do they represent nearly 60 percent of the overall workforce in health care – they are also some of the most in-demand medically trained professionals in today’s health care industry.


  • Becoming a nurse practitioner — What you need to know

    Nurse practitioners (NP) are advanced practice registered nurses who are licensed clinicians who serve as both primary and specialty care providers. With their ability to manage care of patients across a variety of lifespans, NPs assess patients, determine treatments, and use advanced assessment to develop treatment plans.

  • Going Beyond An Associate Healthcare Degree

    Explore more about the benefits and professional opportunities that exist by continuing your health care education past the associate degree level.

  • Why Get a Bachelor’s in Healthcare?

    Learn more about the career benefits and opportunities for professional specialization gained from pursuing a bachelor’s degree in health care studies.

  • Burnout in the health care professions and how to cope

    Burnout is common among health care professionals. Learn how to cope with stress and fatigue.

  • What to look for in an online RN to BSN program

    Nurses with a bachelor’s degree earn a higher average yearly salary than those without a BSN and health care organizations and employers regularly seek out highly educated personnel to fill their staffing needs. With the decision made to continue professional development, an RN needs to know what to look for in an online RN to BSN program.