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Bachelor's Degrees in Middle Childhood Education

Students working on science project


The Middle Childhood Education (MCE) program offers a Bachelor of Science in Education (BSEd) that leads to a teaching license in grades 4-9 in two subject areas (selected from: language arts, mathematics, science, or social studies). The program design is grounded in national and state standards and emphasizes a commitment to equity, justice, and diversity.

Creative, Active, and Reflective Educators (CARE) Program

Candidates can complete the standard MCE program or can apply to participate in the CARE program. CARE is a unique partnership with the Federal Hocking School District and includes a focus on democratic education, specialized coursework, and additional classroom experiences that emphasize the whole child from K-12.

Overseas Student Teaching

The Consortium for Overseas Student Teaching (COST) program offers teacher candidates the unique opportunity to live abroad for an entire semester while completing their professional internship. The program offers students professional and personal growth in ways that are increasingly important for living and teaching in the United States. For more information see the Office of Global Opportunities website.

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Majors and Program Codes

The Middle Childhood Education (MCE) program leads to licensure in grades 4-9 in the areas listed below.

MajorProgram Code
Language Arts and MathematicsBS6180
Language Arts and ScienceBS6179
Language Arts and Social StudiesBS6178
Mathematics and ScienceBS6177
Mathematics and Social StudiesBS6175
Science and Social StudiesBS6176

Generalist Endorsement

Middle Childhood teachers are licensed to teach in two content areas (Language Arts, Mathematics, Science or Social Studies) in grades 4-9. The Generalist Endorsement will allow licensed Middle Childhood teachers to add one or two additional content areas for grades 4-6. State requirements require six semester hours for each content area, evidence of preparation in pedagogy in each of the additional content areas, and the appropriate required Ohio Assessments for Educators exam. Students currently need six semester hours with 3 of those hours being a content methods course to meet state requirements. To view information about the Generalist Endorsement by program major in the Undergraduate Catalog click on your program of interest above and scroll to the end of the page.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the projected job growth for middle school teachers is expected to grow 12 percent from 2012 to 2022.