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How to Check Out

Check Out Information

As you prepare to leave your residence hall, follow these essential steps to ensure a smooth and successful checkout. Be sure to complete a thorough room cleaning, return all keys, and check out with in-hall staff. For detailed guidance on the checkout process, including where to find staff and how to avoid potential charges, please review the full instructions below. Following these guidelines will help you avoid extra charges and make your departure from the residence hall as smooth as possible.

Check Out Expectations

Residents are required to vacate their accommodation within 24 hours of their final exam or by the official building closing time, whichever comes first. If all classes are canceled or if you have withdrawn from the university, you must move out within 48 hours from the cancellation notice.

If you are checking out mid-semester, please note the following:

  • Class Enrollment: Checking out of the residence hall mid-semester does not automatically cancel or withdraw you from your classes. You must separately handle any changes to your enrollment.
  • Refunds: Checking out of the residence hall mid-semester does not guarantee a refund for the remaining days of the semester. Please review the refund schedule for detailed information.

No matter the time of year when you check out, you will need to complete a formal check-out with hall staff. This includes returning keys, removing personal belongings, and addressing any room condition issues. Details on how to find hall staff, handle move-out costs, and follow withdrawal procedures will be covered below.

Steps to Check Out

Before you begin the check-out process, it's important to ensure that your room is in good condition and ready for the next occupant. This checklist will guide you through each step required to leave your space tidy and in accordance with university policies. By following these instructions, you’ll help ensure a smooth transition and avoid any unnecessary charges. Please carefully complete each item on the list to ensure that nothing is overlooked.

  1. Clear the Room: Remove all personal items.
  2. Dispose of Trash: Remove all trash and recycle.
  3. Food Items: Take out all food items from the microwave and refrigerator. *
  4. Bed Loft: Disassemble any bed lofts that were rented. If you are leaving before the end of the spring semester, contact the rental company. University-provided lofts do not need to be disassembled.
  5. Microfridge: Defrost and dry the microfridge and freezer. *
  6. Unplug Appliances: Unplug the microwave and fridge units. Leave the doors open and place the cord over the front of the refrigerator. *
  7. Clean Surfaces: Wipe down all furniture and surfaces, including desks, dressers, and sinks (if applicable).
  8. Floor Cleaning: Sweep and clean the floors.
  9. Complete Check-Out: Find an in-hall staff member to perform a room inspection and complete the official check-out process.
  10. Return Key: Turn in your key to the hall staff.

*Complete if you are the last occupant of the room

Where to Find Staff

Duty Phone: Each building has a duty phone carried by staff members from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m., Monday through Thursday, and constantly monitored from 8 p.m. Friday until 8 a.m. Monday. Find your hall's duty phone number posted in your residence hall or online by logging into Roompact and checking your profile.

Professional Staff: You can also make arrangements to check out with your professional staff member during the day when RAs are not on duty.

Office Hours: In-hall staff have nightly office hours from 8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. daily. You can also approach any RA within the building for check-out if available.

Staff Office Locations: All halls on East, West, and South Greens have their staff office on the 1st floor of their building.

Exceptions to this are:

  • Boyd Hall: 2nd Floor (Boyd 212)
  • Convocation Center: 3rd Floor (Lounge 1)
  • Jefferson Hall: 2nd Floor (Jefferson 252)

The following buildings are in a complex and have one designated staff office for all the listed halls:

  • 4 University Terrace and Bryan Hall: Bryan Hall 1st Floor
  • Carr and Sowle Halls: Carr Hall 1st Floor
  • Dougan, Ewing, Hoover, True, and Wray Houses: Wray House 1st Floor (catwalk level)
  • Luchs and Tanaka Halls: Tanaka 1st Floor
  • River's Edge, River Gate, and River Park: Lobby of River Park Building 36

Damage Assessment and Charges

Failure to follow the check-out steps may result in a $100.00 charge for improper checkout. 

Keys must be returned before leaving campus to avoid charges for missing/unreturned keys. Unreturned keys cannot be mailed back to complete the checkout process or reverse any charges. Keys not returned will result in a lock change and $95 charge to the student.

After departure, your room will be assessed by your RD, ARD, or GRD for maintenance or cleaning needs. Charges for these will be added to your student account. Appeals for housing damage bills or other charges (e.g., key core, lost keys) can be made by completing the damage appeal form

Abandoned Property

Items left behind after check-out will be considered abandoned and discarded. Items of perceived value will be temporarily stored for 30 days. Students will receive notification and an itemized list from hall staff. After 30 days, stored items will be disposed of through Campus Recycling or University Surplus. Ohio University is not responsible for the loss or damage of furniture left in spaces.


Review this information and visit the provided links for additional information on checking out.


    Residence Hall Schedule

    Students should refer to the Move-In, Move Out, and Breaks webpage for essential information on when residence halls open and close each semester and during breaks. This resource helps ensure you and your families are aware of all important dates and can plan accordingly.


    University Withdrawal

    Students should check the University’s withdrawal information to understand the necessary steps and deadlines for officially withdrawing from their courses or the institution.


    Cost Considerations

    Students should review the housing and dining refund schedule to understand the timelines and conditions for receiving refunds. This information helps in managing financial expectations and ensures that you are aware of any applicable deadlines.