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Dublin Campus FAQs

Everything you need to know about booking your event on the Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine Dublin Campus!

What room(s) are available on campus and what comes standard with each space?

The Heritage College has created a list of primary classroom, meeting, and events spaces and listed the specific offerings that each of those rooms has included.  

Event Room Specifications

What expectations should I follow while visiting campus?

Please see the Heritage Dublin campus facilities guidebook for your review before your scheduled event. The Dublin Facilities and Resources page additionally provides an overview of each campus building and general support services. 

Where can my guests park on campus?

The Dublin campus has an open, general parking model throughout the site. Parking permits are not currently required. Heritage College, Dublin students and guests are encouraged to utilize the parking lot in front of Medical Education Building 1 (MEB1), the main instruction facility. Please note reserved spaces for partner and patient utilization of Medical Education Building 2 (MEB2). All are asked to notify Campus Security if leaving a vehicle onsite overnight or on weekends.

Parking and Driving Directions Map

Where can I order food/beverages for my event?

Here is a list of some local catering options around the Dublin campus. Please verify with campus staff to make sure the space you are reserving for your event is allowed to have food, otherwise, other options may need considered to accommodate the request.  

Local restaurants and catering options

Where can my guests stay if they need overnight accommodations?

Here is a list of local hotels and lodging accommodations around the Dublin campus for all your event guests.

Dublin Hotels

What if I need additional room resources for my event?
  • On the Dublin campus, facilities and building services are coordinated through an external property management firm. If needing to submit a service or room set-up request, please contact  
  • When working with Dublin room scheduling leads, coordination of additional furnishings within our active learning classrooms and meeting rooms can be arranged, pending availability of campus resources and room set-up capacities.  
  • Upon request, the following can be supplied with most room set-ups:  
    • Additional folding tables (for catering and meeting/event resources) 
    • Round tables (10 round tables / 60 chairs per building)  
    • Additional trash/recycling receptacles 
    • Push cart for transporting supplies  
    • 11x17 free-standing sign holders  
Are there any decoration restrictions/guidelines?

Please note that taping and/or fastening any signage to facility walls, doors, or windows without prior consent is prohibited. When seeking to display directional signage or promote an event within the space, please provide this information in your request and staff will work to formally display these visual resources in designated signage holders.  

What safety measures are in place on campus?

The OHIO Dublin campus provides 24/7 security with a guard onsite. For your safety and accessibility the guard is stationed near the entrance in the main lobby of Medical Education Building 1 (MEB1) or in the first floor lobby of the Dublin Integrated Education Center (DIEC). If a guard is not present and you are in need of assistance you can reach Campus Security at 614-499-5324.  

How do I access secured spaces that I have reserved for my event?

Normal business hours of operation for the Heritage College, Dublin facilities are 8am-5pm Monday-Friday. If needing access for your event during off-hours, weekdays after 5:30pm or for a weekend event, please contact  

How early can I arrive to set up the room?

Generally, most scheduled/reserved rooms will be available at least one hour prior to the event time. With prior coordination with Dublin room scheduling leads, additional accommodations for set-up times and early arrivals can be reviewed.