Employee Reimbursements
Ohio University will reimburse employees for necessary and reasonable expenses incurred during properly authorized travel and/or items purchased with personal funds. All reimbursements must follow university policies, procedures, and any restrictions from granting agencies. All employee reimbursements must be submitted through the university’s expense management system, Concur (opens in a new window).
Timely Submission of Reimbursements
As a public institution, the university is required to follow IRS publication 463 which states that all reimbursements within a reasonable amount of time. The IRS has defined reasonable amount of time as adequately accounting for your expenses with 60 days after they were paid or incurred. Expense reports that have reimbursements that are included which are submitted more than 60 days from the date they were paid or incurred will be reported as taxable income to the employee on their W-2.