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Student Travel Reimbursements

All student travel reimbursements must comply with university policy 41.121 Reimbursement for Official Travel and Entertainment (opens in a new window). Students can be reimbursed for business related travel after the travel occurs by filling out the travel Expense Report (TER), found on the forms page. For extended trips, such as traveling for research, where reimbursement is not possible for the student please refer to the Travel Advance guidelines.

As stated in Policy 41.121 (opens in a new window), University travelers do not qualify for personal meal reimbursement during same-day travel.  IRS regulations require that an employee be away from home substantially longer than an ordinary day’s work and during the time away from home, need sleep or rest (referred to as the “overnight rule” – i.e., overnight stay is required).  Please see IRS Publication 463 Chapter 1 (opens in a new window) – Traveling Away from Home.

Student travel reimbursements are processed within three (3) to five (5) business days. The following information must be collected from the student in order to set up a supplier profile (which is required to issue a reimbursement payment in our financial system): 

  • Full Name 

  • PID 

  • Current Address 

  • Phone Number 

  • Email 

Submitting Travel Expense Reports

The completed TER must be submitted to Accounts Payable using the Payment Request form in BobcatBUY (BCB). The Payment Request form only allows users to add one object code, however, AP staff will use the account numbers and object codes found on the TER.

Adequate substantiation should be attached to the TER in BCB. This includes: 

  • Itinerary for the event showing business purpose and any meals that were provided to the traveler.

  • Any itemized receipts for expenses other than IRS per diem or mileage rates.

    • An itemized receipt is defined as an invoice, cash register receipt, sales slip, or packing slip which contains the following information.

      • Business/Vendor Name

      • Location

      • Date of Purchase

      • Description of items purchased

      • Price of each item purchased

      • Total amount of purchase

      • Method of Payment

  • Map documenting the miles driven from point to point.