BCB: Preferred Supplier VWR Catalog
April 18, 2023
As of Monday March 6, 2023, the VWR punchout within the Bobcat Buy (“BCB”) system, has been upgraded with enhanced features. The VWR punchout, an online catalog for one of our preferred suppliers for scientific supplies contracted via the Intra-University Council Purchasing Group consortium, now includes:
- Level II search capability: Level II search functionality allows you to search our punchout catalogs from the BCB homepage. VWR catalog items will appear in BCB homepage search. While the search does not include prices, if you click on the “Order from Supplier” link, you will be redirected to the punchout and all available information will be displayed.

- Confirmation tab: VWR purchase orders will display a “confirmation” tab that includes an estimated shipping date. The shipping date in the confirmation tab is static once the order is placed and is not updated afterward. The vendor, VWR, only has capability to provide an estimated shipping date, their system cannot be updated for actual shipping dates.

- Shipments tab: VWR purchase orders will display a “shipments” tab and will be updated with shipping notification information including date shipped, estimated delivery date, shipping carrier, and tracking number.
- Shipment questions: VWR customer service can be contacted for any shipment questions or concerns at email customerservice@avantorsciences.com or by phone at 800-932-5000. Please note: VWR’s systm only calculates ‘estimated delivery date’, so ‘estimated ship date’ will always be equal to ‘estimated delivery date’ for VWR orders.

Questions? Contact Finance Customer Care at financecustomercare@ohio.edu.