PCARD: Payment Card (PCard) Program Update
The University adopted a new version of Policy 55.074 Payment Card Program on March 24, 2022. In addition to the new policy, Finance went live with a new PCard website (www.ohio.edu/finance/pcard) with links to all pertinent information including our new procedures manual that accompanies and supports the policy.

With the rollout of the new policy, the University also switched Payment Card providers from JP Morgan Chase to Bank of America (BofA). To date, 804 BofA cards have been distributed, and 926 cardholders have met the requirements to pick up their Payment Cards.
In accordance with the new policy all cardholders must complete the Ohio University Payment Card course, pass the assessment with an 80% or higher, and sign the Cardholder agreement prior to picking up their new BofA card. Instructions to access the training are available on our new PCard website by clicking the Training button at the top of the page.
All JP Morgan Chase cards will be closed on June 30, 2022, when the contract with the bank ends. Please be sure to pick up your new card prior to this date to avoid interruptions in your card usage.