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Cost of Attendance


Applying for Financial Aid

Prepare yourself for the cost of medical school

As you begin to prepare for medical school, one of the most important steps to take is to prepare yourself for the costs. A keen understanding of the financial undertaking you are approaching is critical to your long-term fiscal well-being. Use the resources provided here to help you discuss and make sound decisions regarding your financial aid.

Your roommate

With the rise of medical school costs, we highly recommend you find a roommate. It will decrease your room and board expenses by as much as 50 percent.

Your budget

If you aren’t used to living on a restricted budget, start practicing now. Financial aid budgets for medical students are based on a low to moderate cost of living. Each year, we create a medical student budget or cost of attendance budget, from which we determine the amount of financial aid our students are eligible to receive. Review it carefully and try to budget your own expenses accordingly.

NOTE FOR FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS: Because aid does not disburse until the end of the first week of class, you need to plan for matriculation expenses such as moving expenses, housing, utility deposits, summer reading, etc. You will not be able to rely on financial aid to get you started. 

There are sometimes circumstances in which students are eligible for a budget increase.

Budget Appeal Instructions  

Appeal to the Student Educational Budget

Your academic progress relating to financial aid eligibility

In order to have access to financial aid, you must maintain satisfactory academic progress while enrolled at the Heritage College.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Your in-state residency

If you began medical school as an out-of-state student, you can apply for Ohio residency once you have lived in the state for 12 months.

Apply For Residency

Estimated cost of attendance budgets for financial aid purposes

To determine a student's eligibility for federal and other need-based financial aid, the Heritage College is required to establish an average cost of attendance budget. This “educational budget” is based on the full academic year and is intended as an estimate of the “average” student’s expenses.

This budget is based on the student's year in school and residency (in-state or out-of-state). The cost of attendance budget is calculated so that, if funding permits, financial aid can be used to meet these expenses. An important note: Federal guidelines require that a student’s financial aid award not exceed the estimated costs documented in the published budget.

View the Educational Budget for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

There are two types of costs included in the totals shown in the educational budget, direct costs and indirect costs.

Direct costs

Direct costs are charges for which the student will be billed directly by Ohio University, including tuition and fees. Tuition and fees are set by the Ohio Board of Regents. These costs are not established until after July 1 for the upcoming academic year. Direct costs reflect the actual charges applied to all students’ accounts.

Indirect costs

Indirect costs are estimated educational expenses the student may incur, such as books and supplies, personal expenses, an allowance for transportation, rent, utilities, and other miscellaneous expenses. While the actual costs may vary from student to student, these estimates are established by researching the average costs for these items. Car payments, credit card debt, and other personal debt are not included in the student’s educational budget.

Request for landlord verification letter

On occasion, different rental companies/landlords request a verification of your income for rental purposes. You will need to request a landlord verification letter from Student Affairs/Financial Aid Office by clicking on the button below and completing and submitting the form. Please be sure to complete the mailing instructions at the bottom of the form.

Landlord Verification Letter

Budget Worksheets

Manage your personal finances

We have created the following sheets for you to print the budget for your class year and use it as a worksheet to manage your personal finances:

Current Year 1 

Current Year 2

Current Year 3

Current Year 4


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