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Research Cores

Clinical and Translational Research Unit (CTRU) 

From start to finish, the CTRU makes it easier for researchers to conduct clinical studies. The CTRU provides support for all stages of clinical research, from initial conception to final reporting. Investigators are strongly encouraged to involve the CTRU as early as possible when planning their research. 

CTRU Resources

Contact Information:
Clinical & Translational Research Unit
230 Irvine Hall
Athens, OH 45701
Phone: 740.566.9873 | Fax: 740.566.9874
Email: (opens in a new window)

Statistical Core for Health and Medicine (SCHM)

The Statistical Core for Health and Medicine (SCHM) provides statistical and research design services for students, faculty and staff of the College of Health Sciences and Professions and the Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine. The shared statistical core aims to expand productivity and collaborative efforts in clinical and translational research.

Statistical Core Info

Contact Information:
Executive Director: Janet Simon, PhD 
Biostatistician: Abhishek Wajpe, MPH

Microscopy Core*

The Heritage College Microscopy Facility provides use of a Nikon A1R confocal microscope with a resonant scanner, spectral detection and live-imaging capabilities. This powerful system is fully automated and captures high-quality confocal images of cells and molecular events at high speeds with enhanced sensitivity. It can accommodate the needs of a broad range of users.

Microscopy Core Info 

Contact Information:
Director: Mark Berryman, PhD
Manager: Jeff Thuma

Histology Core*

The Heritage College Histology Core Facility houses specialized equipment to process, embed, stain and section tissue samples for slides. In addition, laser capture microdissection and digital scanning services are available. Equipment reservations and technical training of users is required.

The faculty and staff of the Histology Core Facility are highly skilled and are able to offer the following services:
Tissue Processing
Paraffin Block Preparation
Hematoxylin & Eosin Staining 
Other Histochemical Staining (i.e., PAS)
Cryostat Sections Training

Histology Core Info

Contact Information:
Director: Thomas Rosol, DVM, PhD, MBA
Lab Coordinator: Noriko Kantake, PhD

Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Core*

The Heritage College Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Core Facility houses the Comprehensive Lab Animal Monitoring System equipment that provides useful non-destructive methods for determining physiological roles in energy homeostasis and animal activity in live mice with different genotypes on a bench-top platform. These powerful systems are fully automated and monitor food and water intake, energy expenditure and animal activity (locomotor and voluntary activity) in mice before and after drug treatments in a controlled temperature and lighting environment.  

Metabolic Core Info

Contact Information:
Director: Chunmin Lo, PhD
Manager: Jeff Thuma

Whole-body Composition Analyzer*

The Brubaker Minispec Mice Analyzer LF50 includes a nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy probe, daily calibration and mouse restrainers. This system provides a precise method for measuring lean tissue and fat and fluid in mice and carcass.

Body Composition Analyzer Info

Contact Information:
Director: Chunmin Lo, PhD
Manager: Jeff Thuma

Flow Cytometer

Ohio University's BD Special Order Research Product FACSAria II, a state-of-the-art flow cytometer/cell sorter, is equipped with two lasers and is capable of four-way cell sorting based on size, granularity and/or fluorescent signal. Up to eight colors can be analyzed, including but not limited to: APC, APC-Cy7, Alexa Fluor 488, Alexa Fluor-700, FITC, GFP, PE, PE-Cy7, PE-Texas Red, PerCP and PerCP-Cy5.5.

The flow cytometer is housed in the Academic & Research Center. Its purchase was made possible by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1039869 to the Russ College of Engineering and Technology, the College of Osteopathic Medicine and the College of Arts and Sciences.

Flow Cytometer Info (opens in a new window)

Contact Information:
Research Technician: Michelle Pate
740.597.1224 (9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.)

MicroCT Core

The Ohio University MicroCT Scanner (OUµCT) allows non-destructive 3D X-ray imaging and digitization of objects smaller than about 10 cm diameter. Live animals (e.g., mice and rats) can be imaged and even instrumented, and the OUµCT provides cardiac and respiratory gating that reduces motion artifact. The scanner has a unique power generator that allows faster and cleaner imaging, which improves data quality while also reducing X-ray dose and cost. Resolution ranges from 25-100 microns. Specimen densities range from anatomical soft tissues to industrial applications.

MicroCT Core Info

Contact Information:
Professor and OUµCT Director: Lawrence M. Witmer, PhD
Research Associate: Ryan C. Ridgely, MEd

* Equipment purchased with financial support provided through the Osteopathic Heritage Foundation's Vision 2020: Leading the Transformation of Primary Care in Ohio award.