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Technology FAQ

My activity is more interactive than a “straight lecture” and/or requires some specials equipment/props. How can I ensure it can be effectively delivered to a distance location?

It is each presenter’s responsibility to ensure that activities are effectively delivered to each campus. If you have concerns, it is recommended that you consult with Faculty Development many months in advance of your activity.

It is also important that you alert the classroom support and video operations teams of any special support required. A web form has been set up for this purpose.

What are the top 6 tips for presenting to students at a distance via video conference?
  1. Review the synchronous teaching and learning resources at the faculty development website. Consult with faculty development in advance and set up time to practice.
  2. If your activity requires special equipment or interaction beyond a typical lecture, notify the classroom support team in advance.
  3. Welcome students viewing remotely and address them throughout your activity.
  4. Make sure all presenters and students use their microphones. Repeat any student questions that weren’t conveyed via a microphone.
  5. Arrive a few minutes early, but be sure to end your activity on time.
  6. Submit your powerpoints to the curriculum office in advance.
Can I use an audience response system across campus?

Yes, Top Hat is the university supported solution for audience response/polling in the classroom. Top Hat is web based and can utilize across multiple campuses. To learn more about Top Hat, review our TopHat Guide  or contact for support as needed. Note: TurningPoint (Responseware) is supported within the CPC and affords polling across all campuses, but will not be supported for PHWC activities

Viewing My Teaching Schedule

PHWC Instructors

Teaching schedules are available by logging into LCMS  with your Ohio username and password. Your calendar will load by default. On initial entry, all course activities will be shown. To view only the events for which you are teaching, select Filter and check “Only Events for which I am an instructor”. 

Lecture Capture and Pre-Recorded Materials

What is the college policy on lecture capture procedures (i.e. recordings and distribution consent)?

The Heritage College regularly records learning activities (for example lectures, OMM labs and didactic portions of clinical skills labs). These recordings provide learning resources for students and serve as a backup in case of the failure of video conferencing systems. Recordings are distributed only via OU password protected internet sites (such as BlackBoard, Panopto, and MediaSite). A process for faculty to request that recordings not be distributed has been developed in compliance with the college’s  Learning Activity Recording and Distribution Policy number 8.02.

Who will have access to recordings if they are distributed?
  • The college has the right to limited use of the recordings to provide learning resources for students in the original cohort.
    • The original cohort is defined as students in the graduating medical school class and other students (for example CHS&P or Graduate students) originally approved to participate in the learning activity.
    • Students who leave their original cohort for reasons including but not limited to fellowships, dual degree programs, leave of absence, or academic/performance issues may request to be placed in the cohort of their new graduating class.
  • If the college has a recording (it is still available to the original cohort) the lecturer can request a download.

    Any other use requires the consent of the faculty member and the faculty member reserves to himself or herself exclusive rights to the ideas, notes, and literary effort developed in connection with the preparation of such programs.
What technology is recommended for pre-recorded modules or lectures?

Instructors interested in pre-recording presentations are strongly encouraged to use the Panopto lecture capture system. Panopto supports the full lifecycle of online presentations, from recording to (basic) editing to distribution to students via a password protected online catalog.

Note : Academic Affairs can link directly to mediasite recordings from Blackboard or LCMS as needed.

Instructors have two options for working with Panopto:

  1. Panopto Desktop Recorder:  You can easily record from your own office using the Panopto desktop recorder. To learn more about Panoto, review our Panapto guide  or contact for support as needed. 
  2. Schedule time with OILT in the Distance Learning Studio (Grosvenor 136) or a classroom. Contact the video operations team at to discuss your recording needs. OILT is experienced with both the Panopto and Mediasite recording environments and will choose the one that best meets your needs.

OILT will not provide technical support for other screen recording software and will not be able to upload large media files (>40 MB) to Blackboard or LCMS. If you use other recording software, make sure you have a way to distribute the videos to students, e.g. via YouTube. Note: Some media files can be uploaded into Panopto. Please contact for details.

Best Practices for Graded Activities

What are my options for delivering graded assessment during my activity?

High stakes assessments (e.g. mid-term, end of block) will be delivered via ExamSoft in secure mode. This provides the most reliable and secure way to deliver computer-based exams. ExamSoft affords centralized distribution and scoring, which can be done from Athens for students on any campus.

For lower stakes assessments (problem sets or S&I quizzes) we recommend Blackboard, LCMS or ExamSoft (in non-secure mode). Please contact Sheila Chelimo (  ) for assistance with setting up your graded activities.

Regardless of the tool, some paper back-ups are recommended. Depending on the type of assessment, students may ask for scratch paper as well.

Is there a way for students to electronically submit written assignments (e.g. research papers, reflection papers, etc.)?

Yes, we can set up an assignment in Blackboard or LCMS that will enable students to upload their assignments. Submitted assignments can be retrieved through the gradebook.

Audience Response/Polling (AKA Turning Point or Responseware)

How can I incorporate audience response/polling into to my presentation?

PHWC:  See our TopHat guide  and contact for additional support as needed. 

CPC:  CPC instructors may use Top Hat or Turning Point.  See the  TurningPoint QuickStart guide for more information. When using Turning Point, be sure to send your slides to Mark Loudin 48 hours in advance.

I-Human Virtual Cases

How can I incorporate an I-Human Virtual Patient Case into my activity?

Coming soon

Aperio Virtual Microscopy

How can I incorporate a scanned slide or virtual microscopy into my activity?

Coming soon

Document Sharing and Collaboration with OneDrive

Coming soon