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Research and Scholarly Advancement Fellowship (RSAF)

Important Dates and Information

Program Dates: May 19 - July 25, 2025

Application Deadline: January 15, 2025

Acceptance Notice: February 28, 2025 (Tentative)

2025 RSAF Guidelines (opens in a new window)

Project Information Form (opens in a new window)

(Instructions for Completing Project Information Form:  Open Link, Under Edit Document, Select Open in Desktop App, then save a local copy)

Apply for RSAF (opens in a new window)

About the Research and Scholarly Advancement Fellowship (RSAF) Program

All Heritage College students who will successfully complete the Year 1 medical school curriculum by the end of the spring semester immediately preceding the summer RSAF program are invited to apply. Students must be in good academic and professional standing, with no Code of Professional Standards violations on record.  Students from all three Heritage College campuses are encouraged to apply. 

Under the guidance of the research mentor, students conduct intensive short-term (10-week) research projects in selected areas of biomedical/basic, social-behavioral medicine, primary care, medical education, or clinical investigation. Students will participate in a core curriculum consisting of seminars on broad topics in medical research. They will complete an oral and/or poster presentation describing their research, to be presented in person on the Athens campus during the last week of the summer program. 

The objectives of the RSAF program are to provide a valuable experience for highly motivated and talented medical students to participate in a defined research project; to acquaint students with scientific methodology; to enhance their analytic and laboratory skills; and to provide an opportunity to improve their presentation and writing skills. The program provides foundational skills for future physicians to use scientific evidence as a basis in their clinical decision making and to consider the possibility of pursing research as physician-scientists dedicated to enhancing health care.

The fellowship pays $3,000 to assist fellows with living expenses.

Students are expected to review the current program guidelines carefully as they contain very important information and details related to the program.  Students must submit proposals according to the current program guidelines in order to be considered for funding.


For additional information, please contact:
The Heritage College Office of Research and Grants (opens in a new window)Nadine Borovicka (opens in a new window), program manager, or Jessica Wingett (opens in a new window), director of research administration and student research and RSAF program director

Research mentor, Dr. Nick Okada, overseeing research fellow, Shashank Reddy in lab.

RSAF Class of 2024

Student NameProject TitlePrimary Mentor
Ghazal AdibiLGBTQ+ Medical Student Experiences During Clinical EducationMelissa Thomas, PhD
Caleb BellMetformin Improves Insulin Sensitivity Via FSP27Vishwajeet Puri, PhD, MS
Farrah BrownInvestigating Fibrosis in Young Bovine Growth Hormone (bGH) Transgenic Mice: Implications for Acromegaly-Associated Tissue DysfunctionDarlene Berryman, PhD, RD, LD
Kameron ClintonPediatric Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury by Hospital Designation, 1997-2019Henry Xiang, MD, MPH, PhD, MBA (Nationwide Children's Hospital)
Robert GuardSocioeconomic Effects on Intrinsic CapacityGraciela Muniz Terrera, PhD
Jessica McGrathRegulatory Role of FSP27 in VEGF-A Expression in Endothelium - Blood Vessel FormationVishwajeet Puri, PhD, MS
Maham NaviwalaComparison of Cardiometabolic Risk Factors of School Children in In-school and Out-of-school SettingsEmily Hill Guseman, PhD
Ishika PuriPatients with High Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) Levels Provide Strong Evidence of the Free Hormone HypothesisBijinu Balakrishnan, PhD
Shashank ReddyIncreased lymphatic markers found in longest lived laboratory mouse. Shigeru (Nick) Okada, PhD
Amisha SainiHow Does Your Diet Affect Brain Health?Graciela Muniz-Terrera, PhD
Sydney ShafferDistance, waitlists, and finding caregivers: Parent-identified barriersto care for children with disabilities living in Appalachian OhioAlly Hughes, PhD
Benjamin TrenkaElevated lean body mass in young obese individuals: Impact on muscle strength and insulin sensitivityLeslie Consitt, PhD
Jerome WalshIncreased GH Action Affects the Expression of Lymphatic-Specific Markers in a Tissue-Dependent MannerJohn Kopchick, PhD